echo-class submarine câu
balao-class submarine
USS Razorback, a Balao-class submarine of the Sandlance variant, was built at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine.USS Razor...

borei-class submarine
With the first Borei-class submarine entering service in 2009, this latest class of submarines is still entering the fleet.vào hoạt độn...

foxtrot class submarine
Had the NATO designation of a Foxtrot class submarineNATO gọi loại tàu ngầm này là lớp Foxtrot. The vessel in the middle is a Foxtrot ...

foxtrot-class submarine
About a year later during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Arkhipov was second-in-command of the Soviet Foxtrot-class submarine B-59 which was...

golf-class submarine
Ministry officials said the North’s 3,000-ton Golf-class submarine could be modified to fire medium-range ballistic missiles.Giới chức ...

i-400 class submarine
An Imperial Japanese Navy's I-400 class submarine, the largest submarine type of World War II.Một chiếc tàu ngầm thuộc Lớp I-400, kiểu ...

i-400-class submarine
More on I-400-class SubmarineLớp trước: Tàu ngầm lớp I-400 The I-400-class submarine Imperial Japanese Navy submarines were the larges...

jin-class submarine
Satellite imagery has confirmed the presence of a Chinese Type 094 Jin-class submarine since late 2007.Hình chụp từ vệ tinh cho thấy hi...

kilo-class submarine
Russian Kilo-class submarine Krasnodar leaving the Black Sea on March 14, 2019.Tàu ngầm Krasnodar rời Biển Đen ngày 14/3/2019. This is...

lada-class submarine
On the diesel electric submarine front, Russia has 21 Kilo-class submarines and one Lada-class submarine.Hạm đội tàu ngầm diesel của Ng...

los angeles class submarine
There are around 44 active units of Los Angeles class submarine in the world today out of the 62 that have been built.Hiện có khoảng 44...

los angeles-class submarine
She is a Los Angeles-class submarine displacing 6,900 tons.Phần lớn là các tàu ngầm loại 6.900 tấn lớp Los Angeles. USS New York City ...

oyashio-class submarine
The Soryu-class is an improved version of the Oyashio-class submarine.Tàu ngầm lớp Soryu là phiên bản được cải tiến của tàu ngầm lớp Oy...

romeo-class submarine
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was filmed touring and taking a short voyage on a Romeo-class submarine in 2014.Lãnh đạo Triều Tiên Kim...

seawolf-class submarine
The Seawolf-class submarine USS Connecticut.Tàu ngầm USS Connecticut lớp Seawolf của Mỹ. worked on the Seawolf-class submarine (SSN-21...

shchuka-class submarine
Hanging on the wall above my bed was a photograph of his Shchuka-class submarine.Treo trên bức tường phía trên giường tôi là một bức ản...

song-class submarine
In 2006, a Chinese Song-class submarine surfaced dangerously near the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk.Năm 2006, một tàu ngầm lớp Tống c...

tench-class submarine
Preceded by: Tench-class submarineLớp sau: Tàu ngầm lớp Tench

typhoon-class submarine
The Typhoon-class submarine is the largest class of submarine ever built.Các tàu ngầm lớp Typhoon là tàu ngầm lớn nhất từng được chế tạ...

yugo-class submarine
June 1998: A North Korean Yugo-class submarine became entangled in a fishing driftnet.Tháng 6/1998, một tàu ngầm mini lớp Yugo bị vướng...

The heart looked healthy at the last echo.Quả tim trông thì bình thường tại lần siêu âm trước. Angel oh speak, what endless longings? ...

I bet you're wetter than a submarine with screen doors now.Tôi cá là bây giờ cô đang ướt hơn cả tàu ngầm nữa. You know, an aquarium is...

Hỗ trợ chuẩn ISO 7816 Class A, B và C (5 V, 3 V, 1,8 V) thẻ Tất cả đều dành cho nhiệm vụ của class thương nhân. NotifyAll(), notify() và...

echo area
You'll see "Mark set" in the echo area when this happens.Bạn sẽ thấy "Mark set" ở vùng phản hồi khi điều này xảy ra. The minibuffer is...

echo cancellation
Echo Cancellation Enable or disable echo cancellation on the FXS port.Echo Cancellation: Enable hoặc disable loại echo trong port FXS. ...